Check out 914Inc.’s February/March 2021 publication featuring BYB’s Wiley Harrison; an article titled “Virtual Roundtable: Business Success During Covid”.
Check out 914Inc.’s February/March 2021 publication featuring BYB’s Wiley Harrison; an article titled “Virtual Roundtable: Business Success During Covid”.
As of 12/31/2020, the basic minimum wage will be $12.50 per hour in most of New York State.
The minimum wage rate differs based on: the fast food industry, tipped workers, Long Island, Westchester County, large and small employers in New York City.
General Minimum Wage Rate Schedule
NYC – Large & Small Employers $15.00
Long Island & Westchester $14.00
Remainder of New York State $12.50
For more information on the increased minimum wage specific to your industry, please click here.
Employers must post a Minimum Wage Information poster as well as various other posters in their place of work visible to all employees.
Starting 12/31/2019 through 12/30/2020, the basic minimum wage will be $11.80 per hour in most of New York State.
The minimum wage rate differ based on: the fast food industry, tipped workers, Long Island, Westchester County, large and small employers in New York City.
General Minimum Wage Rate Schedule
NYC – Large & Small Employers $15.00
Long Island & Westchester $13.00
Remainder of New York State $11.80
For more information on the increased minimum wage specific to your industry, please click here.
Employers must post a Minimum Wage Information poster as well as various other posters in their place of work visible to all employees.
2020 NYS Misc Workers Minimum Wage Poster
Various Posters for the Workplace (NYS)
The beginning of a new year is a great time for employees to review their withholding and determine if any adjustments are necessary.
The IRS has released the 2020 Form W4 which has been redesigned to reduce complexity and increase the accurateness of the withholding system.
The 2020 W4 form should be used by new hires and any employees making withholding changes in 2020.
The IRS has announced the contribution limit for employees who participate in a 401K, 403B and most 457 plans will increase to $19,500 for the tax year 2020 (up from $19,000 in 2019).
The catch-up contribution limit for employees aged 50 and over who participate in these plans will increase to $6,500 (up from $6,000 in 2019).
Starting 12/31/2018 through 12/30/2019, the basic minimum wage will be $11.10 per hour in most of New York State.
The minimum wage rate differ based on: the fast food industry, tipped workers, Long Island, Westchester County, large and small employers in New York City.
General Minimum Wage Rate Schedule
NYC – Large Employers (of 11 or more) $15.00
NYC – Small Employers (10 or less) $13.50
Long Island & Westchester $12.00
Remainder of New York State $11.10
For more information on the increased minimum wage specific to your industry, please click here.
Employers must post a Minimum Wage Information poster as well as various other posters in their place of work visible to all employees.
Congratulations to BYB’s Wiley Harrison on his recent appointment to Westchester County Executive George Latimer’s MWBE Task Force.
The task force was created to address the needs and challenges of Minority and Women-Owned Businesses (MWBE) in Westchester County in order to help them grow and succeed.
“The bottom line is this – we need to attract businesses and keep businesses here in Westchester County to keep our economy thriving. When our businesses thrive our County thrives, and we want to partner with those businesses, large and small, to meet their employment needs and technology needs.” – County Executive Latimer
Please join the Yorktown Small Business Association on May 23rd; Wiley Harrison will be a guest speaker at their Small Business and Employment Opportunity Fair discussing “Small Business vs Big Business.”
8:00 am to 12 pm
Mercy College — Yorktown Campus
2651 Strang Blvd., Yorktown Heights
Sponsored by PCSB and Steve Giordano
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